PLAYLIST Flow Fundamentals
Playlist Flow Fundamentals is a workshop series that introduces the poses, cues, and technique for your power yoga journey! The series is for beginner yogis looking to learn the fundamentals to feel good on the mat, and is also perfect for experienced yogis looking to get back to basics and match breathwork with movement. This 4-week series offers the building block structure, progressing each week. We will start with breath and anatomy in foundational poses, add in transitions from pose to pose, and finish up with more advanced poses and arm balance or two!
The 60 minute sessions will be from 10:30 - 11:30 AM on September 29th, October 6th, 13th and 20th
$99 for the entire four week series!
Week 1: Foundation poses and breath
Importance of breath, how to use it
Foundational poses, how to align properly
Ways to engage in each pose, learning your mind/body connection
Adjustments or modifications for tight areas
Foundational flow
Week 2: Expanding the foundation
Review week 1
Warm up with foundational flow
How to activate muscles to hold poses longer
Adding on to the foundation: next poses you need to know for most power classes
Expanding on foundation flow
Week 3: Transitions and flow
Review week 2
Sequencing and combining; Vinyasa and sun salutations
Matching breath with movement
How to engage muscles for balance during transitions
Layering your flow, adding on where needed, options for challenging poses
Expanding on the foundation flow
Week 4: Progressive transitions and flow
Review week 3
Warm up
Mastering the foundation flow with advanced poses sprinkled
Beginner arm balances, drills, ways to progress